Camp Gauto – summer

During the summer there are plenty of opportunities to get to some excellent fishing waters for all types of fishing on all levels. For the sports fisherman, this is a paradise where you can fish around the clock under the light of the midnight sun. Get out to mountain lakes and streaming waters with a helicopter. Or, why not just bring the fishing rod and go down to the Gauto lake and catch a fish for the evening.

Hiking in Kráhpiesvárrie (4 July until 18 August)
Heli Hike Krappes, the picture above, is an appreciated and popular hike in the Kráhpiesvárrie mountains. The hike starts with a helicopter and ends with a boat tour and meal at Gautobaren. The price is 1095 SEK per person (2024) and you will find more information in Heli Hike Krappes- 23 detail information eng. Make your reservation through
If you like hiking there are several trails nearby, see map from Lantmäteriet Naturkartan. Some examples of hiking places are Gautoberget, Märkforsen or Märkforsberget. Other examples are Kráhpiesvárrie and Tjeksa.

Boat & Canoe Rental
We rent out boats and canoes as well as life jackets.